SR Four-wheel CCT (Covered Carriage Truck) built 1952

SR Four-wheel CCT (Covered Carriage Truck) built 1952

SR  Four-wheel CCT (Covered Carriage Truck) built 1952
SR Four-wheel CCT (Covered Carriage Truck) built 1952


Present Location North Norfolk
County Location Norfolk
Designed For SR
Built by BR
Where built Ashford
First Number S1439S
Owner Private
Diagram number 3101
Lot number 3702
External Structural Condition Good
Internal Structural Condition Fair
Underframe Condition Good
Operating Yes
Stored Secure Open
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Rarity Several
Historical Importance some Interest
Notes P 1987 EARM. End doors removed by owners, at Chappel - so is effectively a PMV. Was Stores vehicle for 4MT 80151 until this loco went to Bluebell, at which time (ca. 10/02) sold to owners of 08 772 and with it went to NNR. 08/19: repairs to doors and other areas which had rotted, followed by a full repaint into BR(S) Green livery - back in position at Weybourne.
Inspected by Paul Holroyd
Date of Inspection 26/04/1997
Photo by Alan Tagg
Photo Date 16/07/2013
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 27/08/2019



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