Rhodesia Railways Immigrant Sleeping Car built 1927

Rhodesia Railways Immigrant Sleeping Car built 1927

Rhodesia Railways  Immigrant Sleeping Car built 1927
Rhodesia Railways Immigrant Sleeping Car built 1927


Present Location Wroughton
County Location Swindon
Designed For Rhodesia Railways
Built by Metro Carriage Wagon
First Number 1808
Owner National Railway Museum
Operating Yes
Stored Secure Building
Gauge 3 ft 6in
Rarity Unique
Historical Importance of some Importance
Notes Used in South Africa to transport immigrants to Rhodesia. Final service was with Zambezi Sawmills Railway. W 1973. P privately 1980s and to East Somerset Railway, then to Whitecliff Quarry, Coleford. Given to National Railway Museum 2006: Shildon, then by 01/09 to Appleby, where fully restored. By 06/11 to York Holgate Works, then 03/14 to Science Museum store at Wroughton near Swindon.
Photo by Dennis Graham
Photo Date 09/06/2011
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 04/10/2016



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