LMS None Six-wheel Fish Van (underframe only) built 1949

LMS None Six-wheel Fish Van (underframe only) built 1949

LMS  None Six-wheel Fish Van (underframe only) built 1949
LMS None Six-wheel Fish Van (underframe only) built 1949


Present Location Kirkby Stephen
County Location Cumbria
Designed For LMS
Built by BR
Where built Wolverton
First Number 40284
Present Number None
Diagram number 2115
Lot number 1445
External Structural Condition Fair
Internal Structural Condition Fair
Underframe Condition Satisfactory
Operating No
Stored Secure Open
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Rarity Several
Historical Importance some Interest
Notes P at Nene Valley pre 1977. Contained model railway from late 1980s to early 1990s. Fire-damaged 12/88. Sold and to private site at Ash Parva, Shropshire where body scrapped and by 07/08 underframe awaits shot-blasting - to go with LYR 12 (qv). By 07/22: moved to Stainmore Railway at Kirkby Stephen East and being used with NER 131 (qv).
Inspected by Gordon Maslin
Date of Inspection 02/10/2006
Photo Date 27/02/1996
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 22/09/2022



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